Emi Mima
Emi Mima
Sustainable Finance Manager



Emi is the Sustainable Finance Manager at the International Air Transport Association (IATA), working to ensure airlines have access to sustainable finance and investment that supports the sector’s sustainability journey. She is leading the development of the aviation ESG metrics and IATA’s Sustainable Finance Taskforce. Emi combines a background in aviation economics and finance, with sustainable development experience spanning across the public and private sector, including the UN system and NGOs.

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Is it impacting on whom they can lend to, is there an anticipation banks will struggle to lend given their own governance/public image pressures, are they able to get the information they need to make decisions? How does the EU ETS revision affect European and global carbon pricing?

Damien Meadows
Advisor on European and International Carbon Markets, DG Climate, EU
Ulrike Ziegler
President, IMPACT
Emi Mima
Sustainable Finance Manager, IATA
Jean Chedeville
Global Head of Aviation Finance, Natixis
Ben Ray
Business Development, Skytra
Barry Moss
President, PACE